[Video] TEDTalk – How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across A Lifetime

Nadine Burke Harris
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris is a Canadian-American pediatrician who assumed the position of Surgeon General of California in 2019. Dr. Harris is known for her work linking adverse childhood experiences to health outcomes. Her work currently focuses on addressing and reforming the response to the effects of adverse childhood experiences on lifelong health across communities.
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Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) encompass a variety of life experiences such as divorce, substance abuse, economic hardship, harsh discipline measures, and living with a parent that has a mental illness. 67% of adults report having had at least one adverse childhood experience, but 12% of adults have reported having at least 4 adverse childhood experiences. Mental and physical health conditions that occur later in life may be the result of having an adverse childhood experience. Understanding how these experiences impact health later on can help clinical providers learn to diagnose and treat these problems to help people live healthier lives.