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  • Effects of MS may include physical symptoms as well as cognitive symptoms.

  • Have you ever wondered why we can feel exhausted after a day of working our brains, even if we haven’t physically exerted ourselves at all? After a hard day at a desk job or a long studying session, why do we sometimes feel so tired? There may be mor

  • For many people, being around “green space”, such as grass, plants, forests, and more, is just a factor of their everyday life. However, recent studies have shown that greenery exposure may benefit middle-aged individuals.

  • In this article, we'll explore impactful New Year's goals aimed at enhancing cognitive health.

  • Beneath the surface, winter holds some surprising benefits for cognitive health.

  • In this guide to gifts for brain health, we'll explore a range of thoughtful and brain-boosting presents.

  • Beginning healthy habits as kids may make it easier to continue them as an adult. If you work with kids, you can help shape positive habits!

  • As concern for mental health in the workplace has become an increasingly important topic, we should also look at how we can care for our cognitive health at work.

  • You may know that going outdoors has a lot of cognitive benefits. But did you know about how sunlight affects cognition specifically?

  • Laughter has an important role in our lives. It often helps to improve mood and can even help relationships last longer. But how does laughter affect cognition specifically? Let’s take a look at the research!

  • During the winter months, many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a mood condition similar to Depression, but it specifically occurs during a certain time of year, typically the winter.

  • New research confirms that those who sleep for a shorter period each night have poorer executive function skills.

  • Have you ever wondered why we can feel exhausted after a day of working our brains, even if we haven’t physically exerted ourselves at all? After a hard day at a desk job or a long studying session, why do we sometimes feel so tired? There may be mor

  • Sleep is one of the most important parts of everyday life. It allows the brain to take a break and recharge, as well as preserve and consolidate one’s memory and any new information learned earlier in the day. However, sleep can be interrupted, thus

  • Many factors can affect a good night's sleep. Things like work, medication, or mental health disorders such as depression have been known factors to decline sleep in the human body. But what factors actually improve sleep? One might be surprised to h

  • Matt Walker, sleep scientist, breaks down why the brain needs sleep for both before and after learning. Proven through a scientific research study, Walker explains that during sleep our brain begins to replay, and why sleep is critical for this actio

  • Poor sleep habits can be linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's and Diabetes, but how does sleep affect our mental state? Dan Gartenberg explains how sleep deprivation impacts our health and well-being. His research focuses on deep sleep and how it i

  • Have you ever heard the phrase “sleep on it” and wondered to yourself will sleep truly help? In Shai Marcus TedTalk original lesson, he explains the scientific evidence that sleeping on it really works. Through a good night's sleep, memory consolidat

  • The Scandinavian philosophy of hygge is more than a trend; it's a mindset that can contribute to cognitive well-being.

  • In this article, we'll explore impactful New Year's goals aimed at enhancing cognitive health.

  • In this article, we'll explore exciting cognitive activities for kids to enjoy during the holidays, featuring additional worksheet exercises to add a dash of educational holiday fun!

  • In this guide to gifts for brain health, we'll explore a range of thoughtful and brain-boosting presents.

  • Beginning healthy habits as kids may make it easier to continue them as an adult. If you work with kids, you can help shape positive habits!

  • Helping seniors build healthy habits can help them have a comfortable and happy lifestyle.

  • What’s the big deal with Omega-3s and cognition? How can we get more Omega-3 in our diets?

  • Building habits can help anyone to improve aspects of their life. They can be beneficial for anyone living with a cognitive condition.

  • Sugar plays a crucial role in our brain health and cognitive function. However, too much can be detrimental to our health. So let’s break it down. What is the relationship between sugar and brain health, and how much is too much?

  • If you live in the northern hemisphere, you are probably familiar with the drastic change of seasons. With the switch from the summer to the fall comes not only cooler weather, but less daily sunlight. This may cause people to experience seasonal aff

  • It might be time to hit the dairy aisle next time you go grocery shopping! Yogurt has always been known as a healthy food that should be included in our everyday diets. It is rich in important nutrients, high in protein, and provides digestive benefi

  • Youth with psychological disorders may rely on the internet for social interaction. For clinical populations of youth, the internet may provide a safe haven for social interaction as youth with psychological disorders may be subject to scrutiny and p

  • You have probably heard the phrase “the proof is in the pudding”, but what if the proof literally IS the pudding? What we eat can shape not only our brains, but how we think and feel. Nutritionists have proved that our diet affects brain health and f

  • Clinical professionals and researchers alike recognize the role of nutrition on the brain and mental health. One nutrient that is still mysterious is fiber, a necessary carbohydrate that helps us feel full and stimulates digestion. Fiber is obtained

  • Diabetes is a group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose). Many often think it only affects blood sugar levels, however recent studies are showing that diabetes can also lead to cognitive impairments. Jose A. Luc

  • Nutrition is one of the most underlooked factors contributing to mental health well-being. Researchers are beginning to understand the role of the mind-gut connection, and how the food we eat affects our behavior. Nutrition interventions offer promis

  • Depression during the cold winter months is common for northern countries, particularly in the northern United States and Canada. Clinically, low vitamin D levels have been linked to depression. Researchers have found that vitamin D supplementation m

  • The role of nutrition on brain health is a growing area of research. In elderly people, little research has been conducted on dietary patterns. But that doesn’t mean the dietary patterns from younger individuals cannot be implemented into older adult

  • In the US, millions of Americans struggle with maintaining a healthy weight. In young adults, impulsivity and inefficient inhibitory control are key risk factors for engaging in unhealthy and uncontrolled eating habits. Impulse and inhibitory control

  • The holidays mean it's time for some delicious holiday meals. However, many holiday favorites are loaded with extra sugar, fat, and carbohydrates that can leave us feeling sluggish. While food quantity choices rely on satiation, thirst, and hunger le

  • The Scandinavian philosophy of hygge is more than a trend; it's a mindset that can contribute to cognitive well-being.

  • In this article, we'll explore impactful New Year's goals aimed at enhancing cognitive health.

  • Gratitude is often associated with positive mental and emotional well-being, but can it improve our cognitive health as well?

  • In this post, we delve into the cognitive effects of playing chess and shed light on how this ancient game could potentially benefit brain health.

  • Can yoga help to ward off cognitive decline? How does it affect cognition in general?

  • You may have patients who struggle with different types of attention. One that proves difficult for many people is maintaining sustained attention. In this article, we'll discuss how to improve sustained attention skills.

  • Social media has become more popular than ever. Many kids are frequently online, which worries some parents, teachers, and clinicians. You may wonder, can social media impact brain development for kids and adolescents?

  • During the winter months, many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a mood condition similar to Depression, but it specifically occurs during a certain time of year, typically the winter.

  • Stress can sometimes feel productive, like when you’re worried about an assignment so you work hard on it to make sure you do a great job. However, stress can also feel completely overwhelming and bad for our mental health. Can stress be good for us?

  • Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to modify connections and change its activity in response to stimuli, basically “re-wiring” itself. So, what does this mean?

  • Clinicians may want to work with clients on setting cognitive goals - these could be anything from feeling happier, to improving their attention or memory.

  • Have you ever wondered why we can feel exhausted after a day of working our brains, even if we haven’t physically exerted ourselves at all? After a hard day at a desk job or a long studying session, why do we sometimes feel so tired? There may be mor

  • For many people, being around “green space”, such as grass, plants, forests, and more, is just a factor of their everyday life. However, recent studies have shown that greenery exposure may benefit middle-aged individuals.

  • Mindfulness has been shown to help improve mood, eating behaviors, and sleep patterns in people. This fascination with mindfulness evolved from the need to help people thrive in everyday life while utilizing human strengths. In this blog post, we dis

  • Going barefoot has many benefits for physical and mental health. In particular, barefoot contact with the ground (in a safe and clean environment) may even be beneficial in helping someone combat anxiety. This practice, called grounding, allows a per

  • Time and time again, we are reminded it is important to take time to get outside. Not only is spending time good for maintaining physical health, but it is highly beneficial for cognitive health. The great news is that these benefits of connecting wi

  • Mindfulness practices are those that help you find yourself within a present moment, experiencing the moment without judgment. Some people describe practicing mindfulness as a way to observe oneself in the present moment. Because hustle and bustle ar

  • Over the last decade, positive psychology has been given more attention for its practices that may be therapeutically beneficial in ameliorating depression. One such practice is mindfulness. Mindfulness practices involve helping the client focus on t

  • Did you know that houseplants not only look pretty, but can remove harmful particles in the air and can make your space feel more calming? Like having a pet, plants are a responsibility. This in turn can provide a feeling of reward - having to care f

  • Every year, people make New Year's resolutions: go to the gym, eat better, try calling family members more often. However, few people make resolutions about doing more activities that keep them cognitively sharp. While physical activity and a healthy

  • Let's explore how embracing tears can benefit our mental and cognitive well-being!

  • Explore the relationship between executive function and social cognition

  • The Scandinavian philosophy of hygge is more than a trend; it's a mindset that can contribute to cognitive well-being.

  • This article explores the social benefits of group cognitive therapy, shedding light on how shared experiences, mutual support, and collective growth can contribute to positive outcomes.

  • In this article, we'll explore impactful New Year's goals aimed at enhancing cognitive health.

  • Beneath the surface, winter holds some surprising benefits for cognitive health.

  • In this article, we'll explore how volunteering can be a powerful ally for maintaining brain health.

  • Here are some ideas for group therapy activities for the holidays, to get your group talking and learning together about improving cognitive skills!

  • In this guide to gifts for brain health, we'll explore a range of thoughtful and brain-boosting presents.

  • Gratitude is often associated with positive mental and emotional well-being, but can it improve our cognitive health as well?

  • How do friendships impact our cognitive health throughout different stages of life?

  • In this post, we delve into the cognitive effects of playing chess and shed light on how this ancient game could potentially benefit brain health.

  • Beginning healthy habits as kids may make it easier to continue them as an adult. If you work with kids, you can help shape positive habits!

  • Going through cognitive therapy can be difficult and frustrating for patients, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Supporting a loved one in cognitive therapy can be very helpful in their recovery.

  • As concern for mental health in the workplace has become an increasingly important topic, we should also look at how we can care for our cognitive health at work.

  • Grief can be a life-changing experience, and it’s no wonder it can change our brains.

  • Many people choose to retire early if they have the financial resources to do so. This can be good for us in many ways! However, it’s worth exploring research that tells us something we may not want to hear - that retiring early could potentially acc

  • Music can make us feel strong emotions, but did you know it’s healthy for our brains as well?

  • Helping seniors build healthy habits can help them have a comfortable and happy lifestyle.

  • Occupational therapy can often be helpful to people with ASD. In this article, we'll explore occupational therapy exercises for autism.

  • What are the long term mental health and cognitive effects of war? What methods can help people work through these experiences and hopefully alleviate symptoms of trauma? We’ll explore these questions in this article, referencing studies that have ex

  • It turns out that learning a new language changes the brain! Let’s take a look at the interesting effects on the brain that come from speaking a second language.

  • Laughter has an important role in our lives. It often helps to improve mood and can even help relationships last longer. But how does laughter affect cognition specifically? Let’s take a look at the research!

  • Research suggests that physical activity has a strong connection with our social cognition. How much does exercise improve social cognition?

  • Social media has become more popular than ever. Many kids are frequently online, which worries some parents, teachers, and clinicians. You may wonder, can social media impact brain development for kids and adolescents?

  • During the winter months, many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a mood condition similar to Depression, but it specifically occurs during a certain time of year, typically the winter.

  • Many of us look to achieve specific goals with the idea that achievement will make us happy. However, data tells us a different story.

  • If you work with children or have children of your own, you’re probably very familiar with pretend play. This refers to any play where children adopt an idea that differs from reality.

  • The brain has its own unique way of responding to a surprising event or situation. When the brain wants you to pay attention to something, it will make sure you are aware of it. According to a new study by MIT, one way the brain does this is by sendi

  • Many survivors of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) often deal with feelings of anger and irritability after their injury. For some, these feelings of anger can range from mild to severe, and have been studied across different samples of people. Post-tr

  • Childrens’ friendships impact not only their social development but also their cognitive development. In fact, researchers have found that there are differences between female-female, male-female, and male-male child friendships on cognition. In this

  • ADHD impacts people throughout their lifespan. For children, ADHD can cause a child to have difficulty focusing during class, keeping track of assignments and their due dates, blurt out responses to questions before they have been completed, and talk

  • Let’s face it, making friends can be super challenging for children and adults. When a person has cognitive impairment, connecting with others can feel like an almost impossible task. Fear not, it is possible to have friends even with cognitive impai

  • Let's explore how embracing tears can benefit our mental and cognitive well-being!

  • Explore the relationship between executive function and social cognition

  • The Scandinavian philosophy of hygge is more than a trend; it's a mindset that can contribute to cognitive well-being.

  • This article explores the social benefits of group cognitive therapy, shedding light on how shared experiences, mutual support, and collective growth can contribute to positive outcomes.

  • In this article, we'll explore impactful New Year's goals aimed at enhancing cognitive health.

  • Beneath the surface, winter holds some surprising benefits for cognitive health.

  • In this article, we'll explore exciting cognitive activities for kids to enjoy during the holidays, featuring additional worksheet exercises to add a dash of educational holiday fun!

  • Let's explore the benefits of embracing a tech-free holiday for the sake of cognitive and mental health, allowing us to truly savor the season's magic.

  • In this article, we'll explore how volunteering can be a powerful ally for maintaining brain health.

  • Let’s dive into how seasons affect brain health and cognitive function.

  • Here are some ideas for group therapy activities for the holidays, to get your group talking and learning together about improving cognitive skills!

  • In this guide to gifts for brain health, we'll explore a range of thoughtful and brain-boosting presents.

  • Gratitude is often associated with positive mental and emotional well-being, but can it improve our cognitive health as well?

  • In this post, we explore the complex relationship between cancer and cognition and how patients may be able to mitigate the effects.

  • Climate change has far-reaching implications, including for our cognitive health.

  • Testosterone is a hormone that plays a significant role in the human body. How do low testosterone levels affect cognition?

  • Menopause is known for physical and emotional side effects, however, the impact on cognition is often overlooked.

  • Let's look at what’s next for the research into brain repair in MS.

  • Effects of MS may include physical symptoms as well as cognitive symptoms.

  • How do friendships impact our cognitive health throughout different stages of life?

  • Cleaning and organizing your home can have positive effects on brain health, such as preventing dementia and improving working memory and executive function skills.

  • In this post, we delve into the cognitive effects of playing chess and shed light on how this ancient game could potentially benefit brain health.

  • Beginning healthy habits as kids may make it easier to continue them as an adult. If you work with kids, you can help shape positive habits!

  • Let’s look at why taking a vacation is so good for our brains, and why it’s so beneficial to maintain a work/life balance.

  • Can yoga help to ward off cognitive decline? How does it affect cognition in general?

  • In this article, we'll discuss how and why to involve families in cognitive rehabilitation.

  • Going through cognitive therapy can be difficult and frustrating for patients, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Supporting a loved one in cognitive therapy can be very helpful in their recovery.

  • As concern for mental health in the workplace has become an increasingly important topic, we should also look at how we can care for our cognitive health at work.

  • Grief can be a life-changing experience, and it’s no wonder it can change our brains.

  • You may know that going outdoors has a lot of cognitive benefits. But did you know about how sunlight affects cognition specifically?

  • Many people choose to retire early if they have the financial resources to do so. This can be good for us in many ways! However, it’s worth exploring research that tells us something we may not want to hear - that retiring early could potentially acc

  • Music can make us feel strong emotions, but did you know it’s healthy for our brains as well?

  • Helping seniors build healthy habits can help them have a comfortable and happy lifestyle.

  • Occupational therapy can often be helpful to people with ASD. In this article, we'll explore occupational therapy exercises for autism.

  • What’s the big deal with Omega-3s and cognition? How can we get more Omega-3 in our diets?

  • What are the long term mental health and cognitive effects of war? What methods can help people work through these experiences and hopefully alleviate symptoms of trauma? We’ll explore these questions in this article, referencing studies that have ex

  • Research has shown that exposure to nature may positively impact cognitive performance for people of all ages.

  • It turns out that learning a new language changes the brain! Let’s take a look at the interesting effects on the brain that come from speaking a second language.

  • Building habits can help anyone to improve aspects of their life. They can be beneficial for anyone living with a cognitive condition.

  • Laughter has an important role in our lives. It often helps to improve mood and can even help relationships last longer. But how does laughter affect cognition specifically? Let’s take a look at the research!

  • Research suggests that physical activity has a strong connection with our social cognition. How much does exercise improve social cognition?

  • You may have patients who struggle with different types of attention. One that proves difficult for many people is maintaining sustained attention. In this article, we'll discuss how to improve sustained attention skills.

  • Social media has become more popular than ever. Many kids are frequently online, which worries some parents, teachers, and clinicians. You may wonder, can social media impact brain development for kids and adolescents?

  • During the winter months, many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a mood condition similar to Depression, but it specifically occurs during a certain time of year, typically the winter.

  • New research confirms that those who sleep for a shorter period each night have poorer executive function skills.

  • Many of us look to achieve specific goals with the idea that achievement will make us happy. However, data tells us a different story.

  • If you work with children or have children of your own, you’re probably very familiar with pretend play. This refers to any play where children adopt an idea that differs from reality.

  • Sugar plays a crucial role in our brain health and cognitive function. However, too much can be detrimental to our health. So let’s break it down. What is the relationship between sugar and brain health, and how much is too much?

  • Stress can sometimes feel productive, like when you’re worried about an assignment so you work hard on it to make sure you do a great job. However, stress can also feel completely overwhelming and bad for our mental health. Can stress be good for us?

  • Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to modify connections and change its activity in response to stimuli, basically “re-wiring” itself. So, what does this mean?

  • Clinicians may want to work with clients on setting cognitive goals - these could be anything from feeling happier, to improving their attention or memory.

  • Have you ever wondered why we can feel exhausted after a day of working our brains, even if we haven’t physically exerted ourselves at all? After a hard day at a desk job or a long studying session, why do we sometimes feel so tired? There may be mor

  • During the winter, many people suffer from colds and the symptoms that come with them: congestion, coughing, and body aches. While many people feel physically ill, they do not realize that colds can also have an impact on the brain as well. Because o

  • The brain has its own unique way of responding to a surprising event or situation. When the brain wants you to pay attention to something, it will make sure you are aware of it. According to a new study by MIT, one way the brain does this is by sendi

  • Learning how to deal with stress is an integral part of everyday life. Stress occurs at all stages of life and can come in several forms. During the duration of the past few years, the pandemic has been a source of stress for many individuals globall

  • Many survivors of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) often deal with feelings of anger and irritability after their injury. For some, these feelings of anger can range from mild to severe, and have been studied across different samples of people. Post-tr

  • For many people, being around “green space”, such as grass, plants, forests, and more, is just a factor of their everyday life. However, recent studies have shown that greenery exposure may benefit middle-aged individuals.

  • Sleep is one of the most important parts of everyday life. It allows the brain to take a break and recharge, as well as preserve and consolidate one’s memory and any new information learned earlier in the day. However, sleep can be interrupted, thus

  • Childrens’ friendships impact not only their social development but also their cognitive development. In fact, researchers have found that there are differences between female-female, male-female, and male-male child friendships on cognition. In this

  • Often when we think of cognitive dysfunction, we do not imagine our cute pets at home. However, our furry friends may suffer from canine cognitive dysfunction, or CCD, similar to dementia. Similar to dementia, there is no known cure; but there are wa

  • If you live in the northern hemisphere, you are probably familiar with the drastic change of seasons. With the switch from the summer to the fall comes not only cooler weather, but less daily sunlight. This may cause people to experience seasonal aff

  • Depending where you live, winter months may be filled with snow, ice, and sleet. With low temperatures and less daylight, the winter months can impact how we feel and how we think. What is less understood is how cold weather specifically affects ment

  • In everyday life, we experience changes in temperature and altitude. Depending on what jobs or hobbies we have, we may be exposed to extreme environmental conditions, such as high altitude. Depending on what environmental conditions we are exposed to

  • Society requires us to have adequate ability to perform mathematical calculations. Life events, such as buying a home or even comparing prices of items within a store, require working knowledge of mathematics. In childhood, many children have difficu

  • Movies are often used as an escape from reality. They let us slip away for an hour or two, forgetting about the rest of the world around us. But what if movies teach us valuable lessons about our brain and the way humans think? This can be true for m

  • We have all experienced depression at some point in our lives. Depression is the “common cold” of mental illnesses, as many people experience depression for various reasons. Depression can be caused by experiencing challenging situations inherited th

  • It might be time to hit the dairy aisle next time you go grocery shopping! Yogurt has always been known as a healthy food that should be included in our everyday diets. It is rich in important nutrients, high in protein, and provides digestive benefi

  • We’ve all experienced a headache at some point in our lives. Other than experiencing headaches when we are sick, some people may have a medical condition that causes them to have chronic headaches. Headaches may also result from experiencing a stroke

  • Youth with psychological disorders may rely on the internet for social interaction. For clinical populations of youth, the internet may provide a safe haven for social interaction as youth with psychological disorders may be subject to scrutiny and p

  • You have probably heard the phrase “the proof is in the pudding”, but what if the proof literally IS the pudding? What we eat can shape not only our brains, but how we think and feel. Nutritionists have proved that our diet affects brain health and f

  • We look at thousands of faces everyday, either in real life, through the internet, or on apps such as Instagram. Faces are special, in that we process them differently than we do everyday objects. Facial recognition allows us to identify people that

  • Mindfulness has been shown to help improve mood, eating behaviors, and sleep patterns in people. This fascination with mindfulness evolved from the need to help people thrive in everyday life while utilizing human strengths. In this blog post, we dis

  • In October 2010, a new social media app was launched that allowed users to connect by sharing photos. Fast forward to 2021, with roughly one billion users, Instagram has taken over the internet. The influence of social media has become a large part o

  • Clinical professionals and researchers alike recognize the role of nutrition on the brain and mental health. One nutrient that is still mysterious is fiber, a necessary carbohydrate that helps us feel full and stimulates digestion. Fiber is obtained

  • The importance of cognitive flexibility is that it can help adapt our behaviors and thought processes. The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on everyone, a time that has come with much uncertainty and change. When people face obstacles, cognitive flexi

  • Many factors can affect a good night's sleep. Things like work, medication, or mental health disorders such as depression have been known factors to decline sleep in the human body. But what factors actually improve sleep? One might be surprised to h

  • Matt Walker, sleep scientist, breaks down why the brain needs sleep for both before and after learning. Proven through a scientific research study, Walker explains that during sleep our brain begins to replay, and why sleep is critical for this actio

  • Diabetes is a group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose). Many often think it only affects blood sugar levels, however recent studies are showing that diabetes can also lead to cognitive impairments. Jose A. Luc

  • Poor sleep habits can be linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's and Diabetes, but how does sleep affect our mental state? Dan Gartenberg explains how sleep deprivation impacts our health and well-being. His research focuses on deep sleep and how it i

  • It is no surprise that vision loss is a part of aging. Years of evidence show that with growing age, the brain works harder to see. Recent evidence suggests that along with a decline in vision comes a decline in other cognitive functions such as lang

  • Have you ever heard the phrase “sleep on it” and wondered to yourself will sleep truly help? In Shai Marcus TedTalk original lesson, he explains the scientific evidence that sleeping on it really works. Through a good night's sleep, memory consolidat

  • Going barefoot has many benefits for physical and mental health. In particular, barefoot contact with the ground (in a safe and clean environment) may even be beneficial in helping someone combat anxiety. This practice, called grounding, allows a per

  • Time and time again, we are reminded it is important to take time to get outside. Not only is spending time good for maintaining physical health, but it is highly beneficial for cognitive health. The great news is that these benefits of connecting wi

  • The COVID-19 pandemic brought about new challenges across all components of the medical field. Clinical providers are learning about how COVID-19 has impacted the brain in survivors. Severe cases of COVID-19 have resulted in neuropsychological impair

  • We know that aerobic exercise provides many physical and psychological health benefits. Some of these benefits are so valuable, that therapists working with patients that have cognitive impairment may want to consider encouraging their clients to exe

  • Parents are often concerned about their child’s activity level, as many children do not get enough physical activity or playtime. Regular physical activity, particularly aerobic exercise, has been shown to promote neurogenesis in the brain which in t

  • Love is different for everyone, and yet it is something we all desire. Each person is different and unique in their own way. Sometimes it is easy to love someone, and other times it can be challenging. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the

  • Reading is a complex cognitive process that involves a network of connections throughout the entire brain. Oftentimes, educators overlook the neurobiology of cognitive skills required for activities such as reading. Understanding the neurobiology of

  • Our brains are made of billions of cells. During development, stem cells receive signals from the outside environment that determine which kind of cell it will become within our brains. Sometimes, stem cells develop into neurons through a process cal

  • ADHD impacts people throughout their lifespan. For children, ADHD can cause a child to have difficulty focusing during class, keeping track of assignments and their due dates, blurt out responses to questions before they have been completed, and talk

  • Mindfulness practices are those that help you find yourself within a present moment, experiencing the moment without judgment. Some people describe practicing mindfulness as a way to observe oneself in the present moment. Because hustle and bustle ar

  • Over the last decade, positive psychology has been given more attention for its practices that may be therapeutically beneficial in ameliorating depression. One such practice is mindfulness. Mindfulness practices involve helping the client focus on t

  • Nutrition is one of the most underlooked factors contributing to mental health well-being. Researchers are beginning to understand the role of the mind-gut connection, and how the food we eat affects our behavior. Nutrition interventions offer promis

  • Depression during the cold winter months is common for northern countries, particularly in the northern United States and Canada. Clinically, low vitamin D levels have been linked to depression. Researchers have found that vitamin D supplementation m

  • The role of nutrition on brain health is a growing area of research. In elderly people, little research has been conducted on dietary patterns. But that doesn’t mean the dietary patterns from younger individuals cannot be implemented into older adult

  • In the US, millions of Americans struggle with maintaining a healthy weight. In young adults, impulsivity and inefficient inhibitory control are key risk factors for engaging in unhealthy and uncontrolled eating habits. Impulse and inhibitory control

  • Dr. Angela Duckworth left a management consulting job to become a teacher in the New York City public school system. To answer this question, she became a doctoral student at the University of Pennsylvania where she is now a professor and has built t

  • Every year, people make New Year’s resolutions such as: going to the gym, eating better, hanging out with family more, spending more time exploring new ideas, or learning a new skill. While 2021 will be a new year for sure, but it doesn’t mean that p

  • While we are entering a new year in a much different way than we entered years in the past. That does not mean that we cannot make goals to improve our daily lives. While your clients may be unsure of what they want to achieve in the new year, you ca

  • The holidays mean it's time for some delicious holiday meals. However, many holiday favorites are loaded with extra sugar, fat, and carbohydrates that can leave us feeling sluggish. While food quantity choices rely on satiation, thirst, and hunger le

  • Therapy never has to stop for your elderly clients. Bridging helps your clients connect their computerized cognitive training with their everyday lives. In this blog post, we share with you 3 bridging activities that you can do with your elderly clie

  • Lisa Mosconi is a neuroscientist, director of the Weill Cornell Women’s Brain Initiative, a neuro-nutrionist, and author of Brain Food and the XX Brain. Dr. Mosconi conducts extensive research on Alzheimer’s disease and women’s health, brain health a

  • While exercising regularly promotes physical health, exercising may also provide cognitive benefits. Specifically, attention has been drawn to the potential clinical implications of moderate-intensity exercise for rehabilitation, physical, and mental

  • Let’s face it, making friends can be super challenging for children and adults. When a person has cognitive impairment, connecting with others can feel like an almost impossible task. Fear not, it is possible to have friends even with cognitive impai

  • For years, the Japanese have practiced forest bathing (“shirinyoku“). Today, Western culture is catching up with Eastern traditions as more people are looking for healthy and cost effective ways to promote relaxation. Here are some of the many benefi

  • Did you know that houseplants not only look pretty, but can remove harmful particles in the air and can make your space feel more calming? Like having a pet, plants are a responsibility. This in turn can provide a feeling of reward - having to care f

  • Every year, people make New Year's resolutions: go to the gym, eat better, try calling family members more often. However, few people make resolutions about doing more activities that keep them cognitively sharp. While physical activity and a healthy

  • It's an every day task to keep your brain healthy, but it's worth it!

  • Ghosting has been defined as "the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication". Once a rare phenomena, ghosting has permeated the dating and social world. About 50% of