How to Get Better at Accepting Change: As Told By GIFs
Let’s face it, change can be scary. Children and adults alike have trouble accepting change. However, there are some ways you can make change less scary, and perhaps somewhat more exciting.
1. Accept that it is OKAY to have Mixed Emotions About Change.
As we grow older, new things spark our interest. Many people take up active hobbies such as cooking, gardening, athletics, crafting, renovating, and community service. Taking up hobbies is important, as it prevents boredom and allows us the opportunity to connect with others. Help your elderly clients identify activities that they are passionate about and help them find ways to participate in them.
2. Learn to Turn to Others for Support.
Friends, family, and peers that you trust can help you adapt to new changes in life. The people who love us want us to thrive and achieve greatness. They aren’t just there for the good times, many of them want to be there for the uncertain times. People enjoy it when you ask for their opinion, it often makes everyone feel wanted and gives their life experiences accreditation. Additionally, communicating your fears with these people and a therapist can help ease anxieties of the uncertain. Sometimes we need to verbally process our feelings and emotions. Verbally processing also allows other people to help us see what opinions we are believing are not true. Think about who you feel you can reach out to, and make it a point to try to open up and share your feelings with a trusted person.
3. Learn that Everything is Temporary and That’s Okay!
Change disrupts what we think is permanent. Sometimes it is for the better and sometimes it is for the worse. However by acknowledging that all moments in time are temporary, we can embrace change with a sense of calm. Life is a continuum, with many more enjoyable moments to look forward to. If we can remind ourselves and our clients that change isn’t always a bad thing and that readjusting isn’t the end of the world, then we will be okay.
4. Try not to get Caught up in the Past or Future, Focus on the Now.
Sometimes, our mind goes back to past events or even tries to over anticipate future events. By doing so, we can easily stress ourselves out over something we cannot control. The brain is designed to protect the body at all costs. It will take the traumas from the past and use them as a filter to protect itself from the future. When something changes that does not align with what we expect and aligns with something from our past experiences it can cause us to shut down or fear the worst. Using mindfulness techniques, you can help center yourself and bring yourself back into the present moment. Remind the body that everything is going to be okay and that there is no immediate threat. This can help make experiencing change a bit easier.
5. Life Goes on, and There is Plenty of Change to Embrace.
People move, jobs change, new opportunities arise in our lives. It is perfectly normal to have trouble adjusting to new situations. However, if we never experience change then we will never experience anything new. It is best to remind ourselves that change is more of a stepping stone. You have to take a leap of faith to the next rock in order to get to the other side. Sometimes we have to experience a lot of changes in order to experience growth. Growth is always a positive thing, regardless of how enjoyable it was, it is always best to teach our clients to embrace growth and allow it to positively change our lives.
Change is part of life and we have to face it head-on. There are a lot of positive things to think about when it pertains to change. If your client has trouble accepting change, work with them on communicating their feelings and help them understand that life continues and there will be plenty of change and many good things to look forward to.