Working On Executive Functioning? Try These 3 Exercises!

Are you working with your client on decision making, planning, inhibition – all the components of executive functioning? Try these 3 HappyNeuron Pro exercises today!

The Towers of Hanoi

This exercise, like the classical neuropsychological test, requires your client to manipulate a series of rings to match a desired configuration in as few moves as possible. Impulsivity will lead to your client making more moves than necessary to complete the task. This task requires your client to look at the big picture of a problem, analyze its components, make a plan of action, and proceed on execution. This exercise is great for working with individuals who are quick to act but do not take the time needed to think about the consequences of their choices.

Hurray for Change!

This exercise is our take on the Trail Making Test. Your client must switch between letters and numbers, words and numbers, or words and different categories. This task trains clients to inhibit impulsive moves, as they may land on a space they do not want to land on. In addition, your client’s working memory is challenged, as they must remember the location of target items previously passed.

Hurray for Change!

This exercise is our take on the Trail Making Test. Your client must switch between letters and numbers, words and numbers, or words and different categories. This task trains clients to inhibit impulsive moves, as they may land on a space they do not want to land on. In addition, your client’s working memory is challenged, as they must remember the location of target items previously passed.

Basketball in NY

More than just a game on the court! Your patient will see a first line of three hoops with colored basketballs inside. In the second line, they will have to mentally determine the number of basketball moves required to reach the same configuration (same color in the same hoop) as the first line of hoops. This exercise targets problem solving skills, as your client must mentally plan their action, strategize their next move, fix the incorrect moves, and build their reasoning in a concentrated way. 

Interested in trying these exercises?

You can try these exercises and many of our other exercises for executive functioning by signing up for our free trial here.

Christine Campbell

Christine is HappyNeuron Pro’s Marketing Specialist. People with intellectual disabilities have a special place in her heart. Growing up with a sibling with an autism diagnosis and intellectual disability influenced the way she views life. She is passionate about educating people about health and sharing cognitive tips.

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