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In this article, we’ll explore the hidden strengths that often come with ADHD.
Let’s explore HappyNeuron Pro memory activities for occupational therapists!
Learn how summer can boost your brain health!
Is television helpful for language development, comprehension, and other cognitive functions?
Delve into the profound role of family support in TBI recovery.
In this article, we'll explore how HappyNeuron Pro can be a transformative tool in treating brain injuries from car accidents.
HappyNeuron Pro provides an adaptable and effective care experience to patients and helps clinicians save time.
The question of whether brains and cognition differ based on biological sex has been a topic of considerable debate and research.
Testosterone is a hormone that plays a significant role in the human body. How do low testosterone levels affect cognition?
Three scientists who have conducted incredible research in neuroplasticity were granted the 2023 Brain Prize, the largest award in the neuroscience fi
What does cognitive science have to say about pregnancy brain?
In this article, we'll discuss how and why to involve families in cognitive rehabilitation.
Going through cognitive therapy can be difficult and frustrating for patients, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Supporting a loved one in cognitive
As concern for mental health in the workplace has become an increasingly important topic, we should also look at how we can care for our cognitive hea
You may know that going outdoors has a lot of cognitive benefits. But did you know about how sunlight affects cognition specifically?
Music can make us feel strong emotions, but did you know it’s healthy for our brains as well?
Occupational therapy can often be helpful to people with ASD. In this article, we'll explore occupational therapy exercises for autism.
Researchers have long speculated about possible associations between hearing loss and cognitive decline.
Music can be a great tool for speech-language pathologists to use with clients.
Here at HappyNeuron, we always have an eye out for the latest scientific findings and technology that may be useful to clinicians and their patients.
What are the long term mental health and cognitive effects of war? What methods can help people work through these experiences and hopefully alleviate
If the appropriate considerations and accommodations are made, employees with autism can very often thrive in their jobs.
Research has shown that exposure to nature may positively impact cognitive performance for people of all ages.
Helping others act on the ability to act is one of our goals here at HappyNeuron. We like to use this saying as a way of aligning ourselves to have an
Building habits can help anyone to improve aspects of their life. They can be beneficial for anyone living with a cognitive condition.
You may have patients who struggle with different types of attention. One that proves difficult for many people is maintaining sustained attention. In
With the ever-growing popularity of video games, there have been concerns about how they affect cognition, particularly for children and teens. Some p
New research confirms that those who sleep for a shorter period each night have poorer executive function skills.
If you work with children or have children of your own, you’re probably very familiar with pretend play. This refers to any play where children adopt
The effects of a stroke can vary widely. For some, a stroke can affect social cognition and social behavior.
In recent years, there has been new research into the relationship between TBI and dementia developing later in life.
When using HappyNeuron Pro, you have the option of limiting cognitive exercises visible to your patient. In fact, this is recommended!
In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, there are many activities that can help someone with stroke recovery. Physical therapy may be necessary fo
You may be wondering what exercises are available for stroke recovery, or how HappyNeuron Pro can be used to work with people who have had a stroke.
Stress can sometimes feel productive, like when you’re worried about an assignment so you work hard on it to make sure you do a great job. However, st
To help encourage student motivation, try these techniques backed by cognitive science!
New Year’s resolutions are a great way to enter into a new mindset and achieve goals that improve your life. Why not help your clients set goals to im
Clinicians may want to work with clients on setting cognitive goals - these could be anything from feeling happier, to improving their attention or me
There is a common misconception that dementia and Alzheimer’s are two separate conditions, however this isn’t exactly the case.
Visual overstimulation occurs when one’s surroundings are too visually stimulating, causing overwhelm and distraction.
Executive function refers to cognitive functions related to making plans and decisions and regulating behavior. Executive function skills are required
Although you already have a wealth of knowledge from your studies, having additional websites, software, and books for further education and support w
Have you ever wondered what a neuropsychologist does or who a neuropsychologist is? In this video, you will learn what a neuropsychologist does, who c
In this TedTalk, Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate and the founder of behavioral economics, creates a conversation of how we can perceive happiness.