If you live in the northern hemisphere, you are probably familiar with the drastic change of seasons. With the switch from the summer to the fall comes not only cooler weather, but less daily sunlight. This may cause people to experience seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which is a type of depression caused by the change of seasons and the decreasing daily sunlight available. Decreased daily sunlight is also linked to vitamin D deficiency, which can also contribute to decreased mood during the colder months. In this blog post, we discuss what seasonal affective disorder is and what you can do to stay well during the fall and winter seasons.

HappyNeuron Pro offers many digital cognitive therapy exercises for memory. Here are some of HappyNeuron Pro’s favorites for practicing memory skills. I Remember You! - Prosopagnosia is the inability to recognize faces. While pure prosopagnosia is rare, people living with Alzheimer’s disease or who have had a stroke may have difficulty remembering the faces and names of loved ones. It is a hard thing to experience and leaves many families broken-hearted. This exercise offers clients an opportunity to practice memorizing the names and faces of various individuals. Therapists can make the faces appear as similar or dissimilar in the exercise as they would like.

When we think of improving memory, we think of performing memorization exercises, digital cognitive therapy exercises, and working on memory worksheets for adults. However, there is more than practicing memorization strategies for improving memory, and researchers have found a fun way to improve both verbal and spatial memory in older adults.

Many children and adolescents experience depression. Symptoms of depression in children and adolescents include behavioral problems in school, changes in eating and sleeping habits, irritability, and lacking interest in things that typically bring joy. Cognitively, children battling depression may also have trouble with memory. In this blog post, we discuss how depression affects memory in children and adolescents.

The Towers of Hanoi is a well known executive function task that targets working memory, inhibition, and decision making. Our digital adaptation is a user favorite while working on critical thinking skills. In this blog post, we share with you how the Towers of Hanoi teaches critical thinking skills to your client. 

Schizophrenia causes cognitive problems including impaired attention, processing speed, working memory, language, reasoning, and social cognition. Apart from having a difficult time recognizing emotions in other people and responding appropriately, individuals with schizophrenia also have trouble processing humor. Humor is used to facilitate social bonds and increase morale through social cognition. When someone is not able to understand humor, opportunities to forge social bonds with others and experience increased morale are lost.  

Society requires us to have adequate ability to perform mathematical calculations. Life events, such as buying a home or even comparing prices of items within a store, require working knowledge of mathematics. In childhood, many children have difficulty learning mathematical skills due to learning disabilities, poor instruction, or from having adverse learning experiences. These difficulties performing and utilizing mathematics can carry into adulthood, and may be the cause behind why many adults experience mathematics anxiety. Studies have also shown that mathematics anxiety may also impair attention and working memory, which negatively impacts one’s ability to perform and use mathematics. In this blog post, we discuss how mathematics anxiety impairs mathematical abilities.