29 May How to Love Someone with Aphasia
When faced with challenges like aphasia, love can become even more profound....
When faced with challenges like aphasia, love can become even more profound....
Going through cognitive therapy can be difficult and frustrating for patients, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Supporting a loved one in cognitive therapy can be very helpful in their recovery....
Music can be a great tool for speech-language pathologists to use with clients....
Clinicians may want to work with clients on setting cognitive goals - these could be anything from feeling happier, to improving their attention or memory....
Language is one of the ways we communicate. It is one that when it is lost it is greatly missed. Kyra's background and work with executive function skills with the smart but struggling learner, has...
Did you know that damage to a person’s left hemisphere can change how they make coffee? Damage to the left hemisphere can cause a person to forget how to use a coffee machine, or even...